Alarm and Event are essential features of HTEN scada software. This article will introduce you about them.
Introduce about Alarm & Event
Alarm are notifications displayed on the Scada software to notify the operator that there is an error that needs to be handled.
These errors can be: equipment hardware errors (wrong feedback, no feedback...), parameter values (temperature, pressure, liquid level, speed, concentration, time...) exceeds the allowable value, wrong actions of operator, equipments is in the wrong working mode, lost communication among PLCs or between PLC with another system...
For serious errors, the program will send warning and pause the SEQ to ensure safety. For the errors with less serious and do not cause great impact, the scada only send warning to operator. The warning will be displayed in flashing state to attract attention until receiving “Ack” (Acknowledge) confirmation signal from operator. Serious errors only disappears when the problem has been solved.
However, there are some errors that disappear without operator attention. So, recording the alarm history will be useful to check such errors.
Event is manual actions of the operator that are stored for later inspection. These actions could be:
- On, off, pause, reset or jump step of the SEQ
- Start, stop a device, e.g. valve, pump
- Change the operating mode of the device (auto /manual /maintenance /test mode)
- Select an option
- Change the setpoint value...
In addition, the Event history also stores name of the user who performed the actions and the time when the actions took place.
In the HTEN scada system, the Alarm and Event history is automatically stored on Microsoft SQL. By entering the desired search period, the operator can retrieve this information. Their storage period is at least 6 months.
Find the history of alarm, event in the desired time period
Introduce about Email Alarm feature
This is a new feature developed by HTEN, useful in case the manager need to monitor the operation remotely.
The operator selects the critical devices or parameters to monitor. If any manual actions, errors, warnings or triggers occur (depend on the configuration), the program will automatically collect that information and send to selected emails after a period of time, for example once a day.
This feature can be flexibly changed and added depend on customer requirements.
Example of an alarm email sent to the manager
The process of configuring this function is easy, with highly customizable. The operator only needs to perform the following operations: enter the email address to receive the notification, enable the email feature, set the email sending cycle, select the tags to be monitored (trigger tag, equipment status tag), select the device name to be tracked (from SQL data).
Email alarm confugurating tool
Here are some introductions of HTEN about Alarm and Event features. We are continuously improve and add new features to our Scada software to bring the best efficiency to customers. Thank you for following the article, please contact if you have any questions or have demand in our products and services.